Weinberg EFT Talk


Weinberg, 2021






目前情况有些变化。标准模型建立以来的几十年里,一种更时尚的新观点正在形成。我们,包括我和很多其他人,现在把标准模型看作是仍未知的更基本的理论的低能近似。低能的意思是能量远远低于某些极高的能标,比如1015、1018 GeV。作为低能近似,而且只有近似时才能复现修正效应,就像我们总是不得不做一些近似一样。这些修正效应正开始显现出来,其中有一些已经被发现。这整个图像被称为有效场论,它已经在超导电性等基本粒子物理学之外的领域得到广泛的应用。


在我看来,它是从流代数开始的。(二十世纪)五十年代末到六十年代初,对未来的绝望情绪弥漫在将量子场论应用于强相互作用的研究领域中。尽管我们对于它(量子场论)是理论的根基这一点并不怀疑,至少我本人毫不怀疑这一点。然而我们完全不知道该如何用量子场论处理强相互作用,微扰论失效了,取而代之人们发展了一种被称为流代数的方法。在这种方法中,人们关注弱相互作用的流——矢量流和轴矢流。利用它们的对易关系,它们的守恒性质 特别是利用南部(阳一郎)关于轴矢流的发散被单𝜋介子态主导的建议,这种流代数方法在实际应用中显得十分笨拙,它需要大量十分具体的计算。人们期盼出现一种简单的方法,用以推导有用的结果,诸如𝜋介子衰变振幅中的Goldberger-Treiman公式,以及轴矢流耦合常数的Adler-Weisberger求和规则。

过了一段时间,我们中的一些人开始意识到,尽管这些结果是非常重要的,也很有价值,但我们也许对于这些流本身倾注了过多的关注,即便它在弱相互作用中扮演核心角色。我们应当集中关注,强相互作用中使得这些结果成为可能的对称性,特别是,在我们脑海中逐渐浮现出来的手征SU(2)×SU(2)对称性,也就是同位旋对称性。它分别作用在我们今天称为夸克的场的左手和右手部分上,这种对称性是强相互作用的一个重要性质,即便人们不考虑弱相互作用时亦如是。它被用来推导纯粹强相互作用的结果,例如𝜋介子与核子的散射长度 𝜋介子与𝜋介子的散射长度。得到这些结果之后,包括一些更复杂的过程,诸如高能情况下核子对撞中发射任意数目𝜋介子的过程,在以核子为例的高能粒子对撞中发射软𝜋介子的过程,亦或其他所有粒子。

得到这些结果之后,利用我前面讲到的,笨拙的流代数方法审视这些结果,它们看上去很像某种场论的结果。你可以快速的画出一些费曼图,它们可以重复出流代数的结果。于是,这里自然浮现出一个问题,是否存在一种方法 能够绕过机械的流代数方法,仅仅写下某种场论,就能通过简单得多的方法自动给出相同的结果,同时在物理上可能也更为清晰。因为无论如何,在使用流代数方法的时候,人们不得不容忍一些,并且假设那些矩阵元是光滑的。但是如果你可以利用费曼图得到这些结果,你就能够看到矩阵元的奇性结构是怎样的,进而做出与之相符的光滑性假设,这一点是通过采用具有手征对称性的标准理论完成的。我们认为(这种对称性)是所有这些结果的根源。

如果我们没有记错的话,Bernstein, Gell-Mann, Fubini和Thirring提出线性𝜎模型,还包括Gell-Mann和Levy。我们适当地定义场,使得理论的结果与流代数给出的结果一致。这种重定义引入了手征对称性的非线性实现。事实上,最终连线性𝜎模型都被摒弃了。取而代之的操作,只是简单地问,在什么样的对称性变换在将𝜋介子场变为其某种非线性函数时,会具有手征对称性的代数性质,给出SU(2)×SU(2)李代数。这样的理论具有如下性质,在耦合(常数展开)的最低阶,也就是介子衰变振幅的倒数,最低阶实际上是二阶的,也就是1/f𝜋2,它重复出流代数的结果。

为什么?它一定如此 因为理论具有对称性。当然具有洛伦兹对不变性以及其他所有性质,我们也假定(理论具有)幺正性,这样的理论必定重复出流代数的结果。如果流代数的结果给出的,比如𝜋-𝜋散射 是1/f𝜋2阶的矩阵元,那么如果你对这个理论利用微扰论,并且扔掉所有高阶项,仅保留领头阶,它是1/f𝜋2阶的,那么它一定与流代数的结果一致。

在这种方法中 人们得到了唯象的拉格朗日量,你可以将其视为节省劳动的工具,它保证能给出与流代数相同的结果 因为它满足相同的基本的对称性条件,以及洛伦兹不变性和所有其他好的条件,并且可以在最低阶使用。因为流代数断言其结果是1/f𝜋 耦合最低阶水平的,对于𝜋-𝜋散射就是1/f𝜋2阶,对于𝜋介子-核子散射也是1/f𝜋2阶的,如果你有更多的对于𝜋介子,你就会有f𝜋 的更高幂次,但是这些结果将始终与流代数一致。在当时并没有人把这些理论当回事。

现在,我要讨论六十年代末,并没有人真正把这些理论当成正确的量子场论,那时候也没有人想要计算圈图。为什么会这样呢?我们知道树图近似重复了流代数的结果。正如我说过的那样,他们只是简化计算的工具。而在六十年代后期与七十年代, 我们绝大多数人都投入到了标准模型的建立中。在当时,我并未想太多这方面的问题,毕竟软π介子定理已经相当成功。事实上,它们不仅与实验对比方面获得了成功,而且降低了人们对量子场论的竞争对手—S矩阵理论—的热度。S矩阵理论在当时是由Jeff Chew在伯克利领导的理论物理学家学派的旗帜。在它的全盛时期我曾在伯克利,但我从未被它说服。他们的观点是,场论是没有希望的,因为它涉及到永远不可观测的量,例如量子场。而我们需要做的是只研究可观测量,例如S矩阵,应用洛伦兹不变性、解析性等原理,得到例如色散关系这样的可以信赖的结果,并把它们与观测相对比。或许还要用某些其它的想法,例如束缚态提供了产生束缚态的力,自举机制,来真正进行计算。作为一种计算方案它从来没有真正地起到过效果,但是它在观念上具有很强的吸引力,因为它建立在很少量的基本假设之上,不引入我们难以了解的东西。








But now the new thing was that you consider higher orders of energy 不过,现在新要点是我们可以考虑能量的更高阶,

if you want terms which have two additional powers of energy, 如果你考虑带有两个额外的能量幂次的项,

they could come from diagrams where you have one interaction with the number of derivatives plus half the number of nucleon fields equaling not two, but four, and no loops, 它们可以是顶点的导数数目加核子场数目等于4,而不是2,并且没有圈的费曼图,

plus, and any number of the other interactions where that number adds up to 2, 加上所有的该数目为2的其它相互作用【注:本句难解,可能是说计算到次领头阶的时候,也需要把所有领头阶的相互作用都再考虑进来?】,

or you could have only interactions where the number of derivatives plus half the number of nucleon fields equals two, just the basic interactions that reproduce current algebra, plus one loop. 或者所有顶点的导数数目加核子场的数目为2(也就是重现流代数所有的基本相互作用)的单圈图

And the infinity in the one-loop diagram could be cancelled by that one additional vertex that has, say, not 2 derivatives but 4 derivatives. 单圈图里的发散可以由含有4个(而非2个)导数的额外的顶点抵消掉。

And in every order of perturbation theory, as you have more and more loops because you’re allowing more and more powers of energy, 在微扰理论的任意阶,由于你考虑越来越高的能量幂次,你将会有越来越多的圈,

you get more and more infinities, but there are always counterterms available to cancel the infinities. 并将得到越来越多的发散,不过,总会有抵消项来抵消掉这些这些发散。

And non-renormalizable theory, like this soft pion theory, is just as renormalizable as a renormalizable theory. 由此看来,像软派介子理论这样的不可重整的理论,就像可重整理论一样可重整。

Only you don’t have just a finite number of terms, but you have an infinite number of terms in the Lagrangian. 唯一的区别是,拉氏量并非仅包含有限数目的项,而是有无穷多项。

Gravity is similar. 引力也是类似的。

And this, I think has led to a new point of view about gravity: 我认为这引发了关于引力的新观点:

Why in the world should anyone take seriously Einstein’s theory with just an action, the Einstein–Hilbert action, where there are only two derivatives acting on metric fields? 我们为什么需要认真对待爱因斯坦的理论呢?它只是基于爱因斯坦-希尔伯特作用量,只有两个导数作用于度规场上。

Surely that’s just the lowest order term in an infinite series, 这当然应该只是一个无穷级数里的最低阶

and the higher terms produced by loops are made finite by counterterms provided by the higher order terms in the Lagrangian, 圈图会给出更高阶贡献,而且圈图加上拉氏量里的高阶项会给出有限【而非无穷大】的结果,

a point of view that has been developed in particular by Donoghue and his collaborators. 特别是Donoghue和他的合作者发展了此观点。

Again, while teaching a decade later in 1990, 再一次,当我十年后,也就是在1990年,授课的时候,

it suddenly occurred to me that one of the kinds of interaction that has the number of derivatives plus half the number of nucleon fields equal to two is an interaction with no derivatives at all, and four nucleon fields, 我突然想到一种导数数目加核子场数目等于2的相互作用,便是有四个核子场并且根本就没有导数的相互作用。

It took me a decade to realize that four divided by two is two. 我花了十年才意识到4除以2等于2。

And that is just the kind of hard-core nucleon-nucleon interaction that nuclear physicists had always known would be needed to understand nuclear forces. 这其实就是核物理学家一致都熟知的,理解核力所需要的硬芯核子-核子相互作用。

But now we had a rationale for it: In a theory of calculating nuclear forces as a power series in energy, the leading terms are just the ones that the nuclear physicists have always been using, pion exchange plus a hard core. 不过,现在我们有了一个理由:在将核力作为能量的幂级数展开的理论里,领头阶恰好就是核物理学家所一直使用的派介子交换加上硬芯。

Now, in the theories that I’ve been talking about, 现在,在我所谈到的理论里,

the chiral symmetry theory of soft pions and general relativity, 也就是软派介子的手征对称理论和广义相对论,

the symmetries don’t allow a purely renormalizable interaction. 对称性并不允许一个纯粹可重整的相互作用。

When you add gauge fields and quarks and leptons, you get a theory in which there can be renormalizable interactions. 现在来考虑规范场、夸克和轻子,你会得到一个包含可重整相互作用的理论

And indeed, that’s what we assumed about the Standard Model that it was the renormalizable theory of quarks and leptons and gauge fields and a scalar doublet. 实际上,这就是我们对标准模型的假设:它是一个夸克、轻子、规范场和一个标量二重态的可重整理论。

But now with our new understanding, this was understood to be just the leading renormalizable term. 但是,通过我们的新理解,这可理解为仅仅是领头阶的可重整的项。

If there is a renormalizable theory, that will always give you the leading term in a power series of energy. 如果有一个可重整的理论,那么它将仅仅是能量幂次展开的领头阶项,

But there will be higher order corrections, higher order in energy divided by some mass scale. 还会有更高阶的修正,以能量除以某个质量标度的幂次展开的更高阶

What mass scale? Well, for the chiral theory, the mass scale is 2π fπ, about 1200 MeV. 什么质量标度呢?对手征理论来说,这个能标是2π fπ, 大约 1200 MeV。

For the theory of weak, strong, and electromagnetic interactions it’s probably a much higher scale, 对于弱、强和电磁相互作用来说,它可能是一个大得多的标度,

something like the scale that Georgi, Quinn and I found when we asked where the renormalization group couplings of the weak, strong, and electromagnetic interactions would all come together, 10 to the 15 GeV, 比如Georgi, Quinn和我发现的弱、强和电磁相互作用的重整化群耦合重合的标度,也就是10的15次方GeV,

or maybe it’s the scale of gravity, the Plank scale, 10 to the 18 GeV; somewhere in that neighborhood. 或者也可能是引力的标度,也就是普朗克能标,10的18次方;就在这附近吧。

So there are corrections. Call that M, big M. 还会有修正。把这个能标称为M,大M,

There are corrections of order E over M that we expect. 我们预期会有按照E/M的幂次展开的高阶修正。

How in the world are we ever going to find corrections that are suppressed by such incredible factors? 我们究竟如何才能发现被如此之小的因子压低的修正呢?

The answer is that those corrections can violate symmetries that we had previously thought were inviolable. 答案是这些修正会破坏此前我们认为不可破坏的对称性。

But we now understand they’re simply accidents. 我们现在认识到它们仅仅是巧合而已。

One of the great things about the Standard Model that has nothing to do with effective field theory was that it explained symmetries that we already knew about, 与有效场论无关的标准模型的一大优点是它解释了我们已经知道的对称性,

that apparently were only partial or approximate symmetries like, 很明显是部分的或者近似的对称性,

for example, flavor conservation, like strangeness conservation, 比如味道守恒,比如奇异数守恒,

that was a symmetry of the strong and electromagnetic interactions, manifestly violated by the weak interactions. 它是强和电磁相互作用的对称性,显然在弱相互作用中是被破坏的。

There’s charge conjugation invariance, likewise, a good symmetry of strong and electromagnetic but violated by weak interactions. 比如电荷共轭不变,类似的是强和电磁相互作用的好对称性,但是在弱相互作用中是被破坏的。

Parity, although there you have to make special accommodations for non-perturbative effects, similarly. 类似的还有宇称,虽然你需要对非微扰效应进行特殊处理。

These were accidental symmetries imposed on us by the simplicity of the Standard Model, 这些都是我们的偶然的对称性,来源于标准模型的简单性,

which is necessary for renormalizability, plus the other symmetries like gauge symmetries, which are truly exact and fundamental. 这对可重整是必要的;还有其它一些对称性,比如真正严格并基本的规范对称。


And in fact, chiral symmetry itself is such an accidental symmetry, only approximate. 手征对称性本身就是这样的偶然对称性,仅仅近似成立。 It becomes an accidental exact symmetry of the strong interactions in the limit that the up and down quark masses are zero, as does isotopic spin symmetry. 类似于同位旋对称性,在上下夸克质量为零的极限下,手征对称性变成了强相互作用下严格的偶然对称性。 And since they are not zero but small it is an accidental approximate symmetry. 因为上下夸克质量并不严格为零,它变成了近似的偶然对称性。 But there are other symmetries, which within the standard model are accidental symmetry of the whole thing, weak, strong, and electromagnetic interactions, 但是在标准模型中仍然存在其他的在强和电弱相互作用下成立的偶然对称性。 in particular, baryon conservation and lepton conservation again, aside from very small non-perturbed effects, at least in laboratories, maybe not so small, cosmological. These are only accidental properties of the standard model 具体地说,重子和轻子守恒,这忽略了实验中的非常小的非微扰破坏效应,虽然在宇宙学意义上,可能不是很小。这些仅仅是标准模型的偶然对称性。 I’m now thinking of baryon and lepton conservation, maybe they’re not symmetries of nature, may be there is no reason why they should be respected by the non-normalizable corrections which inevitably are there. 我目前正在考虑,重子和轻子守恒可能不是自然的对称性,没有任何理由相信必须遵守这些对称性,因为不可重整的修正会不可避免的出现。 And so you would expect terms of order E over M, E^2 over M^2, higher orders, as corrections to the standard model which violate these symmetries. 因此你会期待标准模型的修正项,E/M, (E/M)^2以及更高阶项,会破坏这些对称性。 Wilczek and Zee, and I independently did a catalogue of the leading terms of this type. Wilczek和许一鸿,以及我自己独立地对这一类的主要项进行了分类。 Some of them involving baryon non-conservation give you corrections of order E over M square. And they haven’t been discovered yet. 其中一些重子不守恒的项给出(E/M)^2的修正,这些效应还没有被实验发现。 But others, which give you corrections of order E over M violate lepton conservation, and they have been discovered. 但是E/M的修正破坏轻子数,这些已经被发现了。 I wish I could say that this effective field theory point of view have predicted the neutrino masses, which we now know violate lepton number conservation. 我希望我能够说, 有效场论的观点下已经预言了中微子质量,而我们知道这破坏轻子数守恒。 Unfortunately, for that way of looking at it, lepton number violation was already suspected by Pontecorvo as a solution to the apparent deficit of neutrinos coming from the sun. 但是很不幸,从这个角度来看,轻子数破坏早已经被Pontecorvo从太阳中微子的丢失之谜的解答中提出来。 So I can’t say that the effective field theory approach predicted neutrino masses. 因此我不能说有效场论方法预言了中微子质量。 But it I feel that it gets a strong boost from the fact that we now know through laboratory experiments as well as the one possible exception, the only known correction so-far to the renormalizable part of the standard model. 但是我感觉有效场论方法正在被强有力的推进,从我们知道的实验的结果,以及其中一个例外,目前唯一知道的标准模型的修正。 The other correction, of course, is gravity itself I mean that’s always been there. That was always there warning us that the renormalizable standard model can’t be the whole story. 另一个修正自然是引力,因为它总在那里。引力的存在也警示我们可重整的标准模型不可能是完整的故事。 I expect that we will be seeing another departure from the renormalizable standard model in the discovery of the proton decay, in the discovery of the baryon nonconservation.
我期待我们会看到另一个从可重整的标准模型的偏离,就是质子衰变的发现,重子不守恒的发现。 And in fact, in a sense, it’s already been discovered because we know that in the early universe before the temperature dropped to a few GeV there was about one excess quark over every 10 to the 9th quark-antiquark pairs. 事实上,重子不守恒已经被发现了,因为我们知道,早期宇宙中当温度降到几个GeV的时候,每10^9个夸克反夸克对中,就会有一个夸克的存在。 And we know that from the present ratio of baryon number over photon number, so there’s a tiny excess of baryons over antibaryons in the universe. 从目前重子和光子数之比的测量中, 我们知道在宇宙中,相比于反重子数,重子数存在很小的超出。 Now of course the all baryons, these anti-baryons have annihilated. But going back to the beginning there was a tiny access of baryon number over and I think that has to be explained by the non-renormalizable corrections to the standard model. 当然现在所有的反重子都已经被湮灭掉了。在宇宙的早期重子数有很小的超出,我认为这需要标准模型的不可重整的修正来解释。 And again, it has been explained, unfortunately, not just by one such model, but by many. We don’t know which is the correct one, we don’t know what is the correct mechanism from producing baryon number in the early universe. 当然这已经有了解释,不只是一个模型,不幸的是,我们有好多模型,我们不知道哪一个是正确的模型,我们也不知道哪一个是正确的产生重子数的机制。 But I have no doubt that it will be found. 但是我不怀疑重子数产生会被发现。 This, I think, has led to a nice view of the naturalness of, what we observed, the standard model, including the relatively low masses of the gauge bosons. 我认为我们观测到的标准模型,包括规范波色子的质量,给出了自然性很好的范例。 The standard model makes sense as a natural theory, the corrections are naturally there. 标准模型作为一个自然的理论是有意义且合理存在的,同时修正项也是自然的。 There are, however, unnatural elements. 但是也有非自然的部分。 I said that, you would expect the leading terms that describe physical reactions to be given by the renormalizable theory you have in the standard model, and then non-normalizable corrections suppressed by powers of E over M. 你会期待描述物理的过程的主要的项被标准模型中重整化的部分给出 ,同时不可重整的修正项被E/M的幂次压低。 But there are, those come from interactions that have coupling constants whose dimensions have negative powers of mass, one over M, one over M squared, and so on. 会存在耦合常数的量纲为质量的负次幂的相互作用项,1/M,(1/M)^2,等等。 But what about interactions that have positive powers of mass? Those why are they there? Unfortunately, we don’t have a good explanation. 但是那些量纲为质量的正次幂的相互作用项呢?为什么会在那里?很不幸,我们没有一个很好的解释。 The cosmological constant is such a term. It has the dimensions of energy per volume, in other words, energy to the fourth power. We don’t know why it’s small as it is. 宇宙学常数就是这样的项。量纲为单位体积的能量,也就是说能量的四次方。我们并不知道它的值为什么如此之小。 And also the Higgs mass. That’s the one thing in the standard model, let’s say, a term in the Lagrangian, where the coefficient has positive power of mass. 另一个是Higgs质量。这是一个在标准模型拉氏量中其系数是质量的正幂次的项。 It’s the mu squared, the bare mass of the Higgs boson. We don’t know why that’s not 10 to the 15 GeV. 就是mu平方,Higgs波色子的裸质量。我们并不知道为什么这不是10^15GeV。 Those are two great mysteries that confront us. 这是两个很大的困扰着我们的疑团。 Why are the terms in our present theory that have positive dimensions are so small compared to the scale that we think is probably the fundamental scale somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to the 15 to 10 to the 18 GeV, 为什么相比于我们认为的基本尺度,也就是10^15 到10^18GeV,我们目前的理论中存在的正幂次项都非常的小 Discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe, but not with the kind of numerical precision that’s required so you can really chop it up as a prediction. 宇宙加速膨胀的发现和需要的数值精度并不一致,因此我们并不能从理论预测这么小的项。 We don’t know. It’s the greatest mystery, I think, now, that confronts us why these constants are not much, much larger than they are. 我们对此一无所知,我认为我们面临的最大的疑难就是,为什么这些常数都不像我们认为的那么大。 With the new approach to the standard model, I think we have to say that it’s not what we thought it was, It’s not the fundamental theory. 在标准模型中采用新的方法处理后,我认为我们不得不说,它_并不像我们认为的那样,它并不是一个基本理论。 But at the same time I want to stress that the standard model will survive in any future textbooks of fundamental physics, in the same way that Newtonian mechanics has survived. 但是与此同时,我想要强调,标准模型将会留在每一本基础物理的教科书里,就像牛顿力学仍然在教科书里一样。 It’s something we use all the time applying to the solar system. All of our theory survive as approximation to a future theory. 当应用到太阳系统时我们总是用牛顿力学。我们目前所有的理论都只能作为未来的理论的近似。 There is a school of the philosophy of science associated in particularly with the name of Thomas Kuhn that sees the development of science, or particularly of physics as a theory of paradigm shifts, in which our point of view should change so radically that we can barely understand the theory of earlier times. 从 科学哲学,特别是Thomas Kuhn的哲学观,可以看到科学的发展和物理学的发展,作为一个范式转变的理论,认为我们的观点变化太快,以至于我们很难理解更早一点的理论。 I don’t believe it for a minute. I think our successful theories only survive as newtonian mechanics have those. And as I am sure, the standard model will survive as approximations. 但是我并不认同。我认为成功的理论总会存留,类似于牛顿力学,标准模型作为近似也会存留下来。 Now we have to face the question: approximations to what. Approximations we think to a theory whose constituents involve mass scales way beyond what we can approach in the laboratory, scales of the order of 10 to the 15, 10 to the 18 GeV. 我们目前面临的问题是:标准模型是什么理论的近似?这个理论包括了远远超出实验室能探测到的能标,10^15 10^18 GeV量级。 They may be a field theory, It may be an asymptotic safe field theory, which avoids coupling constants running off to infinity as the energy increases. All seem to me make more likely that it’s not a field theory at all, it is something like a string theory. 这个理论可能是一个场论,渐进安全的场论,这一场论随着能量的增加,耦合常数跑动到无限大的情形被避免。更有可能一种情形是,这个理论根本不是场论,而是类似于弦论的东西。 And as such, we will understand, the very successful field theories with which we were as embodying the principles of quantum mechanics and symmetry applied in a low energy approximation, low meaning much less than 10 to the 15 GeV, where any theory will look like a quantum field theory. 总之,我们将理解到,量子场论作为量子力学和对称性原理结合的成功典范告诉我们,在低于10^15GeV的低能近似下,任何理论将看起来很像量子场论。